Promoting High Standards In Veterinary Dentistry Through Practical Teaching And Research Since 1988
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Meet the board

Alix Freeman
PresidentAlix Freeman
Pete Haseler
TreasurerPete Haseler
Hannah van Velzen
SecretaryHannah van Velzen
Megan Clark
BDA Liaison OfficerMegan Clark
BDA Liaison Officer
Sam Hole
Equine Liaison OfficerSam Hole
Equine Liaison Officer
Rob Davis
President ElectRob Davis
President Elect
Fernanda Holden
Member at LargeFernanda Holden
Member at Large
Ceri Owen
Ceri Owen
Ceri graduated from the University of Nottingham in 2013 and worked for the PDSA for 4 years before moving into private practice, where she completed her PgCert in Small Animal Dentistry in 2020. She currently works for CVS both as a vet and as Hub Clinical Lead. Ceri is passionate about promoting good quality dentistry within small animal first-opinion practice.

Georgia Owen
Georgia Owen
Georgia graduated from Glasgow many (!) years ago and initially worked in mixed and large animal practice before switching to a role in Industry as a Technical Vet. Returning to small animal practice this century involved a steep learning curve for rusty dental skills, but attending practical courses sparked a real enthusiasm. Georgia works in first opinion practice, mainly doing dental work and is continuing to ‘elevate’ her skills by studying for her PG Cert Dentistry. She enjoys mentoring younger vets and believes that learning excellent practical skills is the key to achieving great results for our patients.

Tom Standen
Tom Standen

Joanna Pakula
Joanna Pakula