1) The BVDA fully supports the statement on 'Anaesthesia Free Dentistry' issued by the RCVS in 2014. Similar position statements have been issued by veterinary dental associations and Colleges around the world, including the EVDC. Link to statement:
2) The BVDA fully supports the internationally recognised Nomenclature Committee recommendations. This committee includes members of the EVDC. Link to AVDC page for nomenclature: Link to Nomenclature:
3) The WSAVA has published a document entitled 'Global Dental Guidelines' to help educate veterinary surgeons in practice on the importance of dental disease and the current best practice for its treatment. Link to WSAVA site:
4) The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) has also published Dental Care Guidelines for the veterinarian. Updated 2019 Link to AAHA Dental Guidelines:
5) The BVDA policy statement on dental claims for diets, chews and toys